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Business TipsMedicare

Reflecting on Your AEP Sales Strategies

By November 11, 2021January 27th, 2024No Comments

We’re at the halfway point in the 2022 Annual Enrollment Period (AEP).

Now’s the time for you to reflect upon the success and challenges you’re facing with your AEP Medicare sales strategies. With 26 days left, we hope you’ll find these five tips resourceful.


1. Follow Your Leads – Who am I successful in helping?

Take a look back at where the majority of your leads have come from. Figure out how you could characterize your typical client. Can you determine which kind of person you’re having more success with – whether by age, income, or health background? Chances are you’ve found a niche, and while selling to anyone is fantastic, continue to develop the strategies that work.


2. Sell What Works – What products are selling well?

Along the same lines as focusing in on a specific group, ask yourself: What do my clients find appealing in my portfolio? Focus in on what’s performing well. Are the plans I’m offering among the most competitive in regard to premiums, networks, and formularies?

On the opposite side of the same coin, what’s not working? If you’re not selling what clients need or want, you should reevaluate your portfolio. What Medicare plans are clients interested in that you don’t have? Diversifying your offering may improve sales success, but pitching products with poor performance history needs a second thought.


3. Time Is Precious – Where am I spending my energy?

Paperwork, am I right? If you want to continue growing your business, yet you’re spending too much of your own time on administrative tasks, it may be time to consider a new game plan. While you should consider hiring an assistant, you can also adapt to new technology to streamline your process, such as using a carrier’s e-App and allowing applicants to fill out forms online. Reach out to Carolina Senior Marketing today and ask what you could be doing to prioritize successfully.


4. Keep on Surviving – How do I feel right now?

Yes, your personal health matters. Are you stressed or exhausted from this AEP? That’s completely understandable. You’re given 54 days in total to make your Medicare sales, and this can be overwhelming. Whether we’re your partner or you’re discovering us for the first time, Carolina Senior Marketing strives to serve you. You can do this! We’re here for you, and most of all, we recommend you take some time for you – schedule it if you must.


5. Checking In & Following Up – What’s my plan for client relationships?

Whether you’ve been in business for years or only recently, you’ll want to stay in touch with your current clients. It’s up to you on how often you’ll keep up with folks. Just make it a consistent plan, and ensure you remain compliant in your communications.


Whether you’re ready for AEP to end or not, we know you’ll use this remaining month to its fullest. This year can truly be one of your best seasons of sales yet! If you’re looking for a partner in your Medicare and insurance strategy, don’t hesitate to contact Carolina Senior Marketing. As your North Carolina FMO, we’re faithful to see you out-perform your own expectations!