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Medicare Advantage & PDP Commissions for 2024

By June 22, 2023January 27th, 2024No Comments

Medicare Advantage commissions 2024 are now official. CMS (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services) releases the max allowable commission for MA and PDP plans every year. Carriers can pay agent level commissions up to the max listed amount. While this is the amount they can pay it does not necessarily mean they will pay the max. Traditionally most do pay at the max however. A number of carriers have been increasing the renewals to the max for new renewals and in many cases for renewals on existing business.

Click here to see the full announcement document from CMS.

Explaining the Rate Categories

The Medicare Advantage and PDP commissions are broken up into different state categories again for 2024, as in the past. The “national rate” is all the other states not in the previous categories. PDP commissions are the same for all states.

Medicare Advantage Maximum Broker Commissions
In most states, initial Medicare Advantage commissions increase from $601/member/year to $611/member/year, a 1.66% increase year over year (YOY).
Renewal commissions increased from $301/member/year to $306/member/year, a 1.66% increase.

Medicare Part D Maximum Broker Commissions
Initial commissions increased from $92/member/year to $100/member/year, a 8.70% increase year over year (YOY).

CT, DC, PA,$689$7052.32%$345$3532.32%
CA, NJ$762$7802.36%$381$3902.36%
Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands$418$4282.39%$209$2142.39%