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Ancillary Products

How to Sell Successfully: Dental, Vision, and Hearing Plans

By June 8, 2022January 27th, 2024No Comments

Consider the facts on why you should sell Dental, Vision, and Hearing plans.

Studies show that hearing loss in at least one ear is found in 75 percent of Americans over the age of 70. According to the World Health Organization, two-thirds of those with visual impairments are at least 50 years old. Additionally, the American Dental Association says 19 percent of adults who are 65 or older have untreated cavities.

What should you make of these statistics?

As an independent insurance agent, it shows that Dental, Vision, and Hearing (DVH) coverage for your clients is not just important, but necessary, especially if your clients are within the age group who are eligible for or are already enrolled in Medicare.

If your teeth, eyes, or ears decline, life begins to lose its color, so to speak. We can all agree it’s important to receive the care needed for our sense to remain healthy.

Why should you care?

You may wonder, since many other avenues of healthcare are equally important, why are we putting such an emphasis on Dental, Vision, and Hearing plans?

While we partner with your agency to see you out-perform your expectations in Medicare sales, Original Medicare just doesn’t cover all the treatments and procedures associated with Dental, Vision, and Hearing health, as you know. Supplementary plans are needed to cover these aspects of healthcare.

This means that the ones who need it most, those who are 65 and up, don’t get Dental, Vision and Hearing included in their traditional coverage. Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement Insurance can help cover these three ancillary products in the senior health insurance market.

What can you do?

What you can do for your clients is offer them DVH products to give them an affordable way to fill in the gaps left by their Original Medicare coverage. View this need as an opportunity to gain more clients, as well as leverage this as a conversation starter about their primary coverage.

It’s the same reason we encourage you to help save clients cash on their Rx prescription drug costs. Serving their ancillary healthcare needs can lead them to rely on you for their primary coverage needs.

DVH plans are easy to write since there is no underwriting required and the benefits are easy to review. These plans are also not dependent on enrollment periods, giving you the freedom to write them any time throughout the year.

Here’s the kicker: You can strategize your Dental, Vision, and Hearing sales to build your referral base for the Annual Enrollment Period. DVH products also make for good cross-selling opportunities during the post-AEP season.

Not sure how to get more leads to boost your business leading up to AEP? Give Carolina Senior Marketing a shot!


As the US East Coast’s choice FMO for Medicare and Health Insurance Independent Agents, we actually care about your business’ success by putting your needs first. Start your partnership today and let us do the heavy lifting, Give us a call at (919) 460-6073 or email [email protected].